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Concise, Clean, Concerned Leadership

A Community Advocate Supporting Children’s Needs

Meeting Every Child’s
Needs for a Brighter Future

Corletta J. Vaughn

Elected in 2018 and served this past four years, advocating for the education of the children of our district as well as improvement of climate and culture. Keeping in mind whole child development I have endeavored to serve the family’s mental, social, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Our children are sacred trusts given to parents, teachers, church, and the community to educate and protect. It has been a privilege to serve as an elected school board member to care for 50,000+ precious children in our DPSCD.

During my first two years on the board, I served on the Finance committee and was later appointed Chair of the Academic committee and liaison/board member with Wayne Resa on behalf of the Detroit Public Schools Community District.

DPSCD Girl and Boy in Art Class cropped
HAP Check

DPSCD Faith-Based Council

I have forged deep networks that have enabled me to get support for many initiatives to support the students and staff in the DPSCD.

DPSCD Board is primarily a policy board, creating and adopting the policies that govern the District. But as a 48-year-old faith-based community leader, I went beyond the policy table, deeply entrenched in the community.

The needs of our children are greater than policy and curriculum, so by engaging the larger faith-based leaders and stakeholders, I advocated for more volunteers in our schools from our churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples; launched “Expect Respect” a campaign against bullying.

I strengthened and enlarged the DPSCD Faith-Based Council, led awareness around human trafficking, and engaged philanthropy dollars to secure 12,000 coats which were given to our homeless population.

24-hour emergency

There were entire families that needed a warm coat for winter and helped to establish a 24-hour emergency center in one of our buildings to help with emergency food, shelter, and clothing for the entire district. I adopted the slogan: “A Cold Child Cannot Learn!” Pastors, imams, rabbis, and bishops gave over $10,000 and HAP gave $100,000 during a pandemic.

This is whole child development, touching areas outside of the classroom necessary for a child to learn. I am seeking re-election this November to continue the reform of DPSCD.

Shelter coats